Think Dirty – App-


Think dirty


Hey guys !

Today I wanted to share with you one of my all time favorite app ! It’s called  Think Dirty  . When I first began to exchange  all of my beauty supplies to organic ones, I thought that as long as the bottle claimed to be natural and organic , that it was all harsh chemicals free. I thought wrong!

Thanks to my Think Dirty app, I can now truly check if the products that claim to be organic really are. What you do is simply scan a product that you have or want to purchase with its barcode , and the app will break down the chemicals it has and rate it between a 1-10 with its purity.  It will not only tell you what chemicals are used in the product but it will also  define what each product is ! (In actual words that you can understand without whipping out a dictionary)

And it gets even better, if you scan a product that gets a bad score and you are looking for something similar to it but natural and harsh chemicals free, it will provide you with an entire list that you can also click to get to Amazon and purchase the product right away ! How amazing is that !

This app has been my best friend everywhere I go !

It’s free download guys , so it’s even more awesome! Go and check it out, let me know how you like it 🙂

xoxo ?


