Current Organic Favorites [Feb16′]
Hello beauties !
This current organic favorites blog post has been requested quite a lot and is long overdue ! Since I have began my blog back in August 2015 (Cannot believe it has been 6 months!) , I’ve been trying, testing , and reviewing many beauty and skin care products from numerous companies. I did do a YouTube video of favorites about 4 months ago but my daily product routine has changed since then.
Let’s break down what I am currently using and loving from head to toe [Except for shampoo and conditioner because I recently switched to Acure Organics brand and I am not ready to give feedback just yet] I provided direct links throughout the text {The highlighted colorful ones} which you can click on to shop the products you want to try!
For body soap I use Kosmatology in the scent ‘Herbal Fresh’ that I love , gives me such a minty refreshing smell and is nice and awakening in the morning ! (check out the full review I posted about them here )
For body exfoliation I use my Franklin and Whitman scrubs and I alternate between two of their smells which you can read about in the full review I posted here 🙂 I love using their products because first off, their organic, duh , and second, their fair trade , but mostly because they donate 5% of their profit to dog rescue! In the blog post I did about them I share a coupon code which gets them to donate not 5 but 15% ! So, make sure to go read it and shop for a cause / you’ll love how your body feels after one second of using.
For body lotion I alternate between my 100% Pure coconut nourishing body lotion, and if you are a coconut lover, you will fall deep in love with this lotion, its AH-MAZING.
The other body cream I am enjoying is the Good Medicine Beauty Lab ‘Radiance’ body cream. It has the most beautiful scent filled with organic aqueous tincture of wildcrafted desert sage, wildcrafted juniper berry, wildcrafted larrea, organic dandelion and organic alfalfa as well as many essential oils like organic olive oil, aloe vera, cold pressed coconut oil and raw honey. You use this right after the shower when your skin is still damp and lather that magical cream all ovah {Insert Boston Accent}.
Another one of their products that I love is the Good Medicine Beauty Lab ‘Lomi Lomi’ massage oil and I use this before bed to wake up to glamorously luscious skin. It’s infused with mangnolia, coconut, and kukui … SO GOOD , it smells like it could pass as its own perfume, seriously! You can use the coupon code ‘LIBBY‘ to save some mula on any product on their site 😛
For my face I mix things up with the lotions, so I’ll break down the mixers and tell ya when I like to use what.
I am crazy for coconut anything, and at night I will mix my Kapuluan Coconut [read my full review about them and how I use is for hair mask as well as how much they give back here ] with a drop or two of my Gia Minerals certified organic rosehip oil [Coupon code ‘Organic Living‘ will save you on any product on her site] plus a drop or two of my Good Medicine Beauty Lab Honey Dew youth serum. [Read a full review for more than 8 of their products here ] These three together work MAGIC on my wicked dry face during the night with moisture and also helps maintain my skin lookin’ young 🙂
In the morning time I like to again use the Good Medicine Beauty Lab Honey Dew youth serum but I mix it with their Clarity Awakening Face Cream – Check the review I linked above for more info. LET’S NOT FORGET : before I use anything on my face after I wash it I use my organic Coola Face Sunscreen spf 30 <– SUPER IMPORTANT PEOPLE! I use this every single day, cloudy, sunny, snowing, raining , does not matter, this is key to help protect your skin from falling apart and looking older than you should / prevents cancer and all those crazy things.
Through out the day I always have to sprits my face with some of my all time must have Heritage RoseWater – SO GOOOD! I even use it on my hair sometimes, and body, because it smells so good!
For face wash I use three products, two at night and one in the morning. In the morning I start off with me Fable Naturals Lemon+ Petitgrain Cleansing Balm which smells oh so lemony and it’s so nice in the mornings. I find that it also leaves my face a bit moisturized and I really enjoy that because my face needs all the moisture it can get. At night I will first use my Badger Argan Face Cleansing Oil and follow up with the Fable Naturals Quinoa + Almond Face Exfoliant and I have been using these two products since maybe one month after starting my blog , so since September 2015! [Full review for Fable Naturals here , Full review for Badger here ].
For toothpaste, mouthwash, and teeth whitening I use Dr. Brite [ Full Review here ]
I can’t seem to think of anything else in terms of lotions and hygiene but if you have any questions for anything else please comment and ask! I will do a separate makeup favorites soon 🙂
xoxo , L.V

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